John Sciacca Writes...
John Sciacca Writes...
Features, Reviews and a Blog by John Sciacca

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This is the definitive, official resource for all things John Sciacca writing related. The "Reviews/Feature Stories" page contains links to many stories, columns and blog posts of mine that have been published in Sound + Vision and Residential Systems magazines. Besides my regular work with these publications, I have written for Golf World, Luxury Home Quarterly, Coastal Carolina Home Styles, Home Magazine, Men's Health, Systems Contractor News and Diversion Magazine.
"Random Thoughts..."
"Random Thoughts..."
This page is where you can check out THE blog, which is filled with my latest ravings. This section of random posts -- or "Random Thoughts" if you will -- contains all the latest things I'm watching, doing or listening to. Things that are exciting or pissing me off. Things that have inspired or exasperated me. Products I'm reviewing or things I've come across that strike me as cool, bizarre or just worth sharing. And lots and lots of beer reviews. The blog dares to ask the hard questions like, "Huh?" and "Whaa?" all written in a pithy, deliciously witty and uproarious manner. Many blog likes to make new friends, loves to receive comments, and would like to have you over for some caramels.
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Please to Follow!
Feel like there's something missing in your life? You Facebookers can now follow my blog on the Networked Blogs section! Keep up with all my latest musings from the comfort of your own home page. Impress your friends while you sit back and relax as I update your Wall with new awesomeness. I promise to keep the mass gatherings and ritual chantings to an absolute, bare minimum. It still costs nothing and pays a near infinite amount of entertainment benefits in return! The Network Blog tab is in the Sidebar.
Recent minds I've touched...
Recent minds I've touched...